t-ELIKA is a Start-up providing innovative services for sustainable development, Blue Green Growth, territorial and environmental protection and management, local circular economy. The company offers project development and coordination services, studies and consultancies, activities of stakeholder engagement and public participation.
We’re a network of consultants, researchers and experts with experience in territorial, coastal and marine planning and management, nature and biodiversity protection, ecological monitoring and modelling, environmental policy, maritime economy, climate change adaptation.

Martina Bocci – t-ELIKA Director. Martina holds a MSc in Biology (Padua, IT) and a PhD in Ecology (Copenhagen, DK). She provides studies and consultancies in the field of marine and coastal planning, management and environmental policies. She is acquainted with environmental impact assessments, DPSIR (Driver Pressure State Impact Response) analysis, Water Framework Directive (WFD), Marine Strategy (MSFD), Integrated Coastal Zone Management (ICZM), Maritime Spatial Planning (MSP), coastal and marine pollution monitoring, modelling and assessment, blue and green economy, principles and practices of circular economy. She has experiences in stakeholder engagement and in raising public awareness. As volunteer for Legambiente (Italian national ONG) Martina organises clean-ups, beach monitoring and citizen-science initiatives addressing marine litter and other environmental issues. More on Linkedin.
Emiliano Ramieri – t-ELIKA senior expert. Emiliano holds a Master Degree in Environmental Sciences (Venice, IT). He has more than 20 years’ experience in coastal and marine policies, planning and management. Main fields of work include Maritime Spatial Planning (MSP), Integrated Coastal Zone Management (ICZM), analysis of Land-Sea Interactions (LSI), blue economy, analysis of interactions between economic sectors and the environment, sustainability assessment. These competences are coupled with a long experience on climate change vulnerability evaluation and adaptation, in particular in costal, marine and urban contexts. He has strong competence on climate change adaptation platforms and dissemination of climate change-related knowledge. He is also experienced in regional (Mediterranean Sea) and sub-regional cooperation (Adriatic-Ionian region) on above topics. More on Linkedin

Francesca Coccon – t-ELIKA senior expert. Francesca is a natural scientist with a Master Degree in Conservation and Management of Natural, Environmental and Cultural Heritage (University of Ferrara, IT) and a PhD in Environmental Science (Ca ‘Foscari University of Venice IT). During her PhD and in the following two years of post-doc, she worked in the field of airport risk assessment by analysing the risk of collisions between aircraft and wildlife, commonly known as wildilife strike phenomena and managing the problematic fauna at the Venice and Treviso airports. She has experience as project manager and scientific director of several projects in the environmental area and she has been collaborating with various local authorities and companies in projects focused on the Lagoon of Venice. Her professional background includes the coordination and implementation of wildlife monitoring as well as experiences in the communication field through the organization of public events and the development of documentaries for educational and promotional purposes. She provides studies and consultancies in the field of wildlife strike risk assessment, management of problematic wildlife species and conservation of biodiversity. She has also a significant expertise in the management of database and in the statistical and geospatial analysis of data. More on Linkedin.